It will be possible to configure a series of events automatically directly from GA4, without going through GTM.Connection with BigQuery and Google Ads.Final word of advice: Before you get serious about GA4, it would be best to have a clear measurement plan in mind so you can manage the implementation and tracking structure of your site.But what is a measurement plan? Why has it become fundamental with GA4?What is a Measurement PlanThe main cause of the failure or poor performance of web marketing activities or a digital marketing campaign almost always lies in the lack of correct planning of the activities and in the correct evaluation of the metrics and results obtained.A measurement plan is a document that translates your business goals into metrics and dimensions that you can measure on your website. Therefore the measurement plan provides a tool for planning objectives, strategies and results.
Measurement Plan and GA4Why am I telling you about Google Analytics 4 ?Simply Bolivia WhatsApp Number because a Measurement Plan must take into account the digital analysis tools used and GA4 , whether you want it or not, is destined to keep us company for a long time.It's official: Google Analytics Universal will cease to exist in 2023.In its place will arrive (has already arrived in fact) Google Analytics 4. to will no longer be the same with GA4 and its user-centric vision .In fact, one of the most important innovations between the old and dear Analytics Universal and the new and fearsome GA4 will concern precisely the way of understanding Events .
While in Google Analytics Universal there are two types of users, in GA4 you will find 3:Total users (GA Universal/GA4).New users (GA Universal/GA4).Active users (GA4).GA4 metricsActive Users is a GA4 metric that takes into account the number of users who have been active over a 28-day period.UA and GA4 use different methods to identify users: UA uses the Client-ID, while GA4 uses the User-ID first.An important aspect of moving from Universal to GA4 is how conversions are counted. In fact, in GA4 every time a conversion event occurs it will be counted.GA4 conversionsThe advantages of the new user-centric vision will be more palpable on e-commerce sites, where GA4 allows you to more completely track previous events present in Google Analytics Universal.