Growth of your SEO strategy. It also includes understanding the broader goals of your business – outside of SEO. Our vision of ongoing consulting goes beyond the development and growth of your SEO strategy . It also includes understanding the broader goals of your business – outside of SEO. This understanding can help your POC provide better recommendations that emphasize other digital marketing strategies.
Proactive monitoring You should also expect your SEO company to proactively monitor your website. Whether it's monitoring your site's uptime or regularly auditing your SEO, your agency should act like they're a member of your team and just as invested in your business and its mission. Most Australia Phone Number Data SEO companies won't go this far due to the investment of time and resources. In our experience, we've also seen agencies overwork their account reps, making it difficult for these professionals to find the energy to support your team.
Regular reports Reporting is a non-negotiable part of SEO services - expect your SEO agency to provide you with reports on their activities: Work Progress Impact However, we would like to challenge you to raise your expectations of SEO companies and their reports. Although it is difficult to track the impact of SEO on results, some SEO companies do it! While it's helpful to know how your business ranks for keywords and how much traffic those keywords generate.